National Alternative
Fuels and Vehicles Conference
April 1-4, 2007 Anaheim California
The 13th national Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Conference and Expo
offers timely, one-stop shopping for information, resources and products
available today to help shape transportation decisions for fleets. The
conference has long supported nonpetroleum fuels including natural gas,
ethanol, biodiesel, propane, and electricity; and the alternative fuel
vehicles (AFVs) that can use those fuels. The conference has gone beyond
strictly defined alternative fuels, embracing advanced technologies
that result in fuel efficiency, petroleum displacement and emissions
improvements. Included in the areas of interest are hybrid-electric
and plug-in hybrid technologies; blends, including hydrogen; fuel cells;
and, idle-reduction devices.
The conference features more than 150 speakers and is expected to draw
1,500 registrants for 3 days of activities including: workshops, sessions,
lectures, networking, a free public forum, and a trade show for industry
professionals. The trade show features over 100 exhibitors displaying
products and services available for purchase and use today. Attendees
see cutting-edge vehicles and technologies from exhibitors who share
the practical knowledge their businesses have gained through real-world
applications. The Ride-n-Drive features the latest vehicles that run
on alternative fuels and that are available for purchase today.